Rompvela International

‘Wellness Creator’ Robert Phil Takes Great Pride in How He Coaches


Nowadays in bodybuilding and fitness, there seem to be as many new coaches as there are new pros. However, like the athletes themselves, it’s the cream of the crop that rises to the top when it comes to coaching. One that has successfully risen to be among the elite of the sport is Robert Phil, a.k.a. “The Wellness Creator.”

Coach Robert Phil joined Isabelle Turell on a recent episode of the Fit Rockstar Show podcast, he revealed that he was currently working with around 250 athletes. Critics were quick to say that working with so many was impossible, but he pushed back against that theory.

“I’m not a police officer, I’m not working in an office with another business. I’m just a wellness coach,” Phil explained to Turell. “When you have 250 athletes, some are pre-contest, some are in offseason, and some for some reason can’t train for four to six months. Not all of them keep it up.”

Phil himself was a IFBB Men’s Physique pro at one time, but the success he has seen in his current role is greater than he achieved as an athlete. While he may not be the one onstage, he’s as competitive as anyone could possibly be when it comes to how the people he works with place in shows.

“I hate losing, I’m like the worst loser possible, I hate to lose,” Phil admitted. He actually confessed that he sometimes can’t watch when an athlete is doing well onstage.

“When I know it’s possible for one of my athletes to win, I can’t watch. I step away, I go outside because I can’t handle it.”

While Phil has that competitive fire, he told the host that it comes from a place of passion for the sport that he is a part of.

“I love this sport so much,” Phil said proudly. He also enjoyed being a part of the IFBB Pro League, which he compared as the Ferrari of the fitness industry as a whole.

“I see the Pro League as the Ferrari,” he said. “I don’t have an athlete in any other federation competing. I prefer driving my Ferrari.”

Phil also shared his feelings on the growth of the Wellness division, plans to open his own hookah lounge, his own career in Men’s Physique, and more. Catch this episode as well as all episodes of the Fit Rockstar Show over at Don’t forget to follow @fitrockstarshow on Instagram.


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