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Tony Doherty is Australia’s Biggest Fitness Advocate

Tony Doherty is Australia’s Biggest Fitness Advocate


Bodybuilding and fitness are popular around the world, but there are some places that could be called bodybuilding hotbeds. One of those places is Australia, and a large reason for that is the work of Tony Doherty. Unfortunately, much of the work he had done over the years was derailed and put to a halt thanks to the pandemic.

Doherty had stayed headstrong and moved forward with trying to advocate for the benefits of fitness Down Under to his government. He shared some of the details of his efforts with Dennis James on an episode of The Menace Podcast.

“I’ve tried through the media to educate the government that going to the gym is so much more than flexing muscles or taking selfies,” Doherty said. He told James that at one point, the gyms were closed for 367 days before they could re-open. As the founder and owner of Doherty’s Gym, that obviously took a toll on the Arnold Classic Australia co-promoter. After numerous attempts to have that contest, or at least an expo, he had to make a difficult decision.

“Well, I postponed it now indefinitely,” he said solemnly. “I just had to make the call, just cut it, man.”

Even though he hasn’t been able to operate his gym, Doherty has found another positive way to make a difference in his community. Whether it’s serving food in his small restaurant or speaking to those that need positive vibes. Whatever it is that Doherty is focusing on, he gives it his full commitment.

“Dude, if I’m mopping the floor, I’m all in,” he explained. “You know, I always say this to people when I’m doing like a lot of public speaking and mentoring stuff always say, you’re either all in or you’re not in at all make your f***ing mind up.”

On the upside for Doherty, there are still plans to have bodybuilding shows in 2022, and he hopes competitors will support them by taking part.

“The shows are going ahead, and I’ve got the pro qualifier in active planning. So, everyone’s got a chance to come back and we got pro cards on offer. We’re going to show in Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne.”

Doherty and James talk more about his struggle during the pandemic, the evolution of his career in the bodybuilding industry, working with Arnold Schwarzenegger as a partner, and a lot more. Watch the full episode, and catch all episodes of TMP, over at the Muscle & Fitness YouTube channel. Don’t forget to subscribe while you’re there, and follow TMP on Instagram @themenacepodcast.


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