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Healthy Foods to Make Your Diabetic Breakfast Delicious

Healthy Foods to Make Your Diabetic Breakfast Delicious


Referring to an old saying, eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. Quite simply, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it is especially true for people with diabetes. Here’s the thing, a wholesome morning meal keeps the blood sugar steady all day long. 

A strategic study shows that obese people with type 2 diabetes had better diabetes control and weight loss after regularly consuming a  high-energy breakfast. In addition, people who consumed heavy breakfasts had reduced food cravings and hunger. They also needed significantly less insulin. 

Unfortunately, most diabetic patients skip breakfast at least once a week. However, a diabetes-friendly meal plan must include three meals per day: a heavy breakfast, medium calorie lunch, and a light dinner.

Choosing the right food often feels confusing. For example, breakfast can be hard to plan for since. It must be within the calorie limit, adhere to carbohydrate count and shouldn’t spike your blood sugar. In addition, your body is susceptible to blood sugar fluctuations in the morning. 

Unfortunately, there are no miracle foods or healthy recipes that serve as a complete cure for diabetes. But one thing we can all agree on is that eating smart keeps you fueled and healthier. So, this article will help you choose some healthy ways to make your diabetes-friendly breakfast delicious.

Diabetic Breakfast: The Best Foods You Can Eat


Besides being a versatile food, eggs are a great source of protein. They are a handy high-protein breakfast option for diabetes, as eggs have a glycemic index of 0. The protein from eggs stimulates a feeling of satiety without affecting your blood sugar. 

Instead, it slows glucose absorption, which is considered helpful. So, it is excellent to consume eggs at least three times a week. It will help lower heart disease risk factors in diabetic people.

Fatty Fish

Fatty fishes are much better for managing or warding off diabetes as they have a glycemic index of 0, like most protein packed foods. Also, they are high in omega-3 fatty acids, the “healthy” fats that improve the body’s ability to respond to insulin. Several fatty fish options are suitable for diabetes. 

Some examples are salmon and herring. The former is excellent for managing blood glucose levels, while the latter combats vitamin D deficiency triggered by diabetes. Furthermore, a study ascertained that diabetic people who regularly ate fatty fish improved post-meal blood sugar levels.


Avocado is a high fat, low carb food, having a glycemic index of only 15. As a matter of fact, including it in breakfast can promote blood sugar stabilisation. Thanks to its low Carbohydrate content, avocados will not trigger a spike in blood sugar levels. 

Moreover, it offers monounsaturated fats that help improve insulin sensitivity. These fats are similar to the fats found in olive oil and nuts. Monounsaturated fats keep blood cholesterol levels in check, which, unfortunately, is a potential complication of diabetes.

Leafy Greens

Leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale are low in calories yet nutritious. All leafy greens have a glycemic index that falls below 55 and thus, are considered low glycemic foods. Leafy greens are a must-have for diabetes as they are rich in fibre content.

They provide all the nutrients necessary for the body while keeping the blood sugar levels intact. For example, kale is rich in diabetes-friendly nutrients. It provides carotenoids, calcium, iron, and vitamin C. Having leafy green for breakfast supplies a nutritious boost for the rest of the day.


Broccoli, a nutrient-dense cruciferous vegetable, is often called the superfood for diabetes. It is a cauliflower look-alike veggie with a low glycemic index of only 15, making it excellent for diabetes-friendly meals. In addition, broccoli is low in calories, thus ideal for an obese diabetic patients who wants to eat light. 

To further rely on broccoli as a diabetes-friendly vegetable, a study shows that consuming broccoli sprout extract reduced fasting blood glucose in dysregulated type 2 diabetes patients. It is a benefit that’s most likely due to sulforaphane in broccoli, an antioxidant that limits glucose production in the liver.


Strawberries fall under low-glycemic fruits, making them a low-sugar food. It has a GI value of 41, meaning that consuming strawberries does not quickly raise glucose levels. Instead, they help in managing it. For a health-conscious breakfast, you can add strawberries to oatmeal or yoghurt. 

Because of its low carb, sugar, and calories, strawberries aid in the weight loss journey of people with diabetes who are overweight. Moreover, it can significantly satisfy a sweet tooth without impacting blood sugar levels.

Unsweetened Greek Yoghurt

Yoghurt and breakfast go hand in hand. However, unlike regular yoghurt, unsweetened Greek yoghurt provides twice the protein. In addition, Greek yoghurt is thicker and creamier than conventional yoghurt as it undergoes straining to remove more liquid. 

The straining also means it contains half as many carbs as regular yoghurt, thus having a glycemic index of only 11 and being suitable for diabetes. People can also try plant-based yoghurts derived from soy or almond milk. However, plant-based yoghurts offer less protein compared to yoghurt made from dairy.

Diabetic Breakfast: Foods To Avoid

White Bread, White Rice, Pasta

These foods are high in carbs and undergo a long cycle of processing or refining. It is no secret that consuming processed foods results in a significant rise in blood sugar levels in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. 

Sweetened Breakfast Cereals

Sweetened breakfast cereals lack protein and contain negligible amounts of nutrients. They also fail to satiate hunger, prompting people to look for more food. In addition, cereals that are sweetened and processed tend to have a high glycemic index which leads to insulin spikes..

Deep Fried Foods

Deep-fried foods are usually high in simple carbs and fats, which is dangerous. One such example is French fries. Potatoes in themselves contain large amounts of carbs. One medium-sized potato is said to have 34.8g  carbs. After deep-frying it, the calories will increase, and trans fats get added.

Artificially Sweetened Beverages

Artificial Sweetened beverages usually contain fructose, which impacts insulin resistance. Not only do they raise blood glucose levels, taking sugary drinks might cause you to surpass the recommended caloric intake. Also, energy drinks and regular soda add no nutritional value to your daily diet and add to the empty calories in the diet leading to overeating.. 

Packaged Snacks

Packed snacks are tempting, but manufacturers use refined flour and fast-digesting carbs to manufacture these foods. Thus, such products lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar. Moreover, overconsumption of refined flour often leads to constipation in diabetic patients.           

Healthy and Easy Vegan Breakfast Recipes for Diabetes

Veggie & Hummus Sandwich

Serves: 1

Preparation Time: 10 minutes


  • Whole grain bread: 2 slices
  • Hummus: 3 tbsp
  • Avocado (mashed): ¼ 
  • Mixed salad greens: ½ cup
  • Red bell pepper (sliced): ¼ cup
  • Cucumber (sliced):¼ cup
  • Carrots (shredded): ¼ 

Method of Preparation

  • Spread one slice of bread with mashed avocado and the other with hummus.
  • Fill the sandwich with carrots, cucumber, red bell pepper, and salad greens.
  • Slice the bread half and serve.

Basic Vegan Breakfast Smoothie

Serves: 1

Preparation Time: 5 minutes


  • Low-fat soy milk: 1 cup
  • Banana (frozen and sliced):½ 
  • Strawberries (frozen and sliced):½ 
  • Wheat germ: 3 tbsp
  • Vanilla: 1 tsp

Method of Preparation

  • Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend until it becomes creamy and smooth. 
  • Serve chilled.

Vegan French Toast

Serves: 1

Preparation Time: 10 minutes


  • Whole wheat bread: 3 slices
  • Silken tofu: 3 tbsp
  • Vanilla soy milk: ¼ cup
  • Nutmeg: ¼ tbsp
  • Cinnamon: ½ tsp

Method of Preparation

  • Combine the soy milk, cinnamon, nutmeg, and silken tofu in a small bowl. Whisk until smooth.
  • Dip the bread in the mixture until coated. 
  • Spray a pan with 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, and fry the bread until each side is golden. 
  • Serve with cut fruits like apples, strawberries, blackberries, or bananas.

Healthy Vegetarian Breakfast Recipes for Diabetes

Black Chickpea Salad

Serves: 1

Preparation Time: 15 minutes


  • Cooked black chickpeas: 1 cup
  • Medium-sized onion (finely chopped): 1
  • Tomato (finely chopped): 1
  • Green chillies (finely chopped): 1
  • Lemon juice: 2 to 3 tsp
  • Black salt: ½ tsp
  • Coriander leaves: As required for garnishing

Method of Preparation

  • Add all the ingredients, including the cooked black chickpeas, in a large bowl. Mix well.
  • Garnish with some chopped coriander leaves and serve.

Spinach and Kale Smoothie

Serves: 1

Preparation Time: 10 minutes


  • Fresh spinach: 2 cups
  • Almond milk: 1 cup
  • Peanut butter: 1 tbsp
  • Chia seed: 1 tbsp
  • Kale: 1 leaf
  • Banana (frozen and sliced):½

Method of Preparation

  • Blend kale, spinach, chia seeds, peanut butter, and almond milk in a blender until smooth.
  • Add banana and blend again.
  • Serve chilled.

Quinoa Breakfast Cereal

Serves: 1

Preparation Time: 20 minutes


  • Quinoa: 1 cup
  • Water: 2 cups
  • Almonds: ½ cup
  • Flax seeds: ⅓ cup
  • Ground cinnamon: 1 tsp
  • Nutmeg: 1/2 tsp

Method of Preparation

  • Combine water and quinoa in a saucepan over medium heat; bring to a boil for about 8 to 12 minutes.
  • Stir in nutmeg, cinnamon, flaxseeds, and almonds. C
  • Cook until quinoa is tender.

Healthy Non-Vegetarian Breakfast Recipes for Diabetes

Avocado Egg Toast

Serves: 1

Preparation Time: 5 minutes


  • Avocado: ¼ 
  • Large egg (fried): 1
  • Toasted whole-wheat bread: 2 slices
  • Ground pepper: ¼ tsp
  • Garlic powder: ⅛ tsp
  • Salt to taste

Method of Preparation

  • Combine avocado with garlic powder and pepper in a bowl. Gently mash the seasoned avocado.
  • Spread the mixture on one bread slice and place the fried egg on the other.
  • If desired, garnish with sriracha.

Low Carb Chicken Soup

Serves: 1

Preparation Time: 15-20 minutes


  • Low sodium chicken broth: 2 cups
  • Tomatoes (Diced): 1 cup
  • Black beans: 1 cup
  • Chicken breast (shredded): 1 cup
  • Spinach (chopped): 1 cup
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Method of Preparation

  • In a large saucepan, combine chicken broth, tomatoes and black beans. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat.
  • Stir in shredded chicken and spinach. Add salt and pepper as per taste. 
  • Cook for 3 to 5 minutes.

Spinach and Egg Scramble

Serves: 1

Preparation Time: 10 minutes


  • Chopped spinach: ½ cup
  • Eggs (slightly beaten): 2
  • Pinch of kosher salt
  • Pinch of ground pepper
  • Extra virgin olive oil: 1 tsp

Method of Preparation

  • Heat oil in a skillet over medium-high heat and saute the spinach for about 2 minutes. Transfer the spinach to a plate.
  • Pour the beaten eggs into the skillet and scramble it. Stir in the spinach, salt and pepper. 
  • Serve it with whole-grain bread toast.


Diabetes is a progressive condition that requires utmost care and planning. A holistic approach towards diabetes management and diet can create an enormous positive impact. Breakfast is essential for everyone, but it is imperative for people with diabetes. Having breakfast helps people with diabetes to keep their blood sugar levels at bay. 

Since blood sugar fluctuation is exceptionally high during the morning, one should try their best not to skip the morning meal. A protein-packed, low-carb breakfast can be a good choice if you are on a diabetes diet plan. However, it is always best to consult an expert before following any diet or meal plan.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Can diabetes skip breakfast?

A. It is highly recommended not to skip breakfast, irrespective of being diabetic or not. That is because the blood sugar and insulin levels are sensitive to fluctuations in the morning. When a diabetic skips breakfast, it increases insulin resistance. Thus, the body finds it hard to keep the blood sugar levels in the targeted range.

A. Yes, diabetes and thyroid disorders are closely related. There’s a high chance of a diabetic patient having thyroid problems and vice versa. That’s because both conditions arise from hormonal abnormalities. For example, an underactive thyroid makes the insulin move through the body much slower, leaving a person with lower blood sugar levels.

Q. Does diabetes cause weight gain? 

A. Weight gain is a common symptom of most insulin-related health conditions, and diabetes is no exception. When blood sugar levels are higher, people tend to experience increased appetite. It, in turn, leads to binge eating or overeating, resulting in fat deposition and weight gain.

Q. Can diabetes eat Chinese food? 

A. Well, depending on your choice, it could turn out to be good or bad for diabetes. So, when ordering Chinese, remember that low sodium soups, steamed chicken, and dishes packed with vegetables are suitable for diabetes. However, overeating white rice, salty noodles, or fried rice could spike your blood sugar.

Q. What are the foods diabetics should not eat? 

A. You should avoid fats and calories from fast foods, burgers, cookies, and canned juices. Other foods that must be avoided or strictly limited are processed foods, added sugars, whole cream milk, sweetened foods, and red meat.

Q. Can diabetes be cured permanently?

A. Diabetes is an ongoing disease. Although lifestyle changes, medication, and diet help reverse the effects, a complete cure is impossible. However, the body can go into a state of remission. When diabetes enters into remission, the body does not show any potential signs of diabetes. However, the disease is technically still present in the body. 

Q. Which diabetes is hereditary?

A. Type 2 diabetes is classified as a hereditary form of diabetes. Therefore, you can link it with the family history and genes. However, not everyone with a family history of type 2 diabetes will get it with the proper lifestyle corrections and dietary habits. On the other hand, some people may have it due to lifestyle and environmental factors despite genetics not playing a role.

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