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The BBBofC Take Action Over Taylor v Catterall Fight – But Will That Inspire Permanent Change? – Ring News 24 | Boxing News

The BBBofC Take Action Over Taylor v Catterall Fight – But Will That Inspire Permanent Change? – Ring News 24 | Boxing News


It has been reported that the British Boxing Board of Control has downgraded Ian John-Lewis from an  A Star Class to an A Class Official after the controversial scoring of Josh Taylor v Jack Catterall a couple of weeks ago.

The world championship fight between the two light-welterweights ended in controversy when Taylor was announced as the winner by a split decision despite it looking as if Catterall should have been the one to have his name confirmed as the new champion. All the major titles were on the line.

Further, the Board has also stated that they will be asking the sanctioning bodies to make Catterall mandatory challenger for all the belts as soon as possible. Jack has voiced his displeasure, his point of view being that the action taken is not adequate.

The letter by the BBofC detailing the action they have taken.

But it is now hopeful that this could be the start of rectifying one of the issues that boxing has. Unfortunately, this sport has had this problem for years. One could even say for a couple of decades. And while we can hope that the move that the Board made is a step in the right direction there needs to be further actions taken similar to the one just made in the future in the event of any more contended decisions taking place.

If the Board can establish their authority on a consistent basis then it may inspire judges to perform at their absolute best in the coming months and years so we can see a permanent change.

All we can do is watch this space.


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